esterday sitting in the office I looked around and noticed that about 70% of our engineers were wearing branded T-shirts. They had the GoDaddy brand clearly visible, and later that day talking to my boyfriend who is the CEO of FishingBooker, I realized how important branded T-shirts and bags were to employees. I hadn’t given much thought as to why we all wanted to dress the same, we are all...
The irresistible power of strategic storytelling
Last weekend I held my first storytelling workshop in my hometown at #WCBGD. I was flattered to see over 50 people at my workshop, and in this post I want to share with you what my workshop is all about, as well as some of the student’s impressions.
So, let’s uncover the mystery. Why are strategic stories so irresistibly powerful?
A poem to our pets
This is a poem that my step mother wrote about our pets, and since I moved away I have been missing them, so I thought it appropriate to share them with you. Maybe this way I will miss them less.